click on underlined text to view  some articles  and videos on line
Geoffrey Dorfman: The  Antikythera Paintings, Moss Galleries, Portland,  Maine.
Seeing Like an Artist, What Artists Perceive in the Art of Others, by Lincoln Perry,
Godine Press, Boston. ( Featured in  the chapters: An Epiphany in Munich and Multiplicity).
Artcritical, Ironic Realism: The Larry Day Retrospective in Philadelphia, (December 16).
Art Review City, Q and A with David Carbone, April 27.
Artcritical, Intimate Immensity: Maria Helena Viera da Silva , (February 10).
JoAnne Carson: Rise and Shine, JoAnne Carson: Tracing a Gardener's Path, The Opalka Gallery, Sage College, Albany, NY
Artcritical,  In the Company of an Estatic: Hyman Bloom in Boston,   (February 14).
Bruno Civitico: 40 Years of Figure Drawings, Bruno Civitico's American Classicism, The Bo Bartlett Art Center, Columbia, GA
Arion, A Journal of Humanities and the Classics, An Epiphany in Munich, by Lincoln Perry, Spring/Summer issue. (Profiled and quoted).
The Art Newspaper, quoted in: Obituary: Vito Acconci, by David D'Arcy, June 2017, page 70.
Hyperallergic, Timothy Hyman's Alternate View of Figurative Painting in Art History, March 25.
The International Review of African American Art, Lifting the Fog, (on Norman Lewis 1946-52), pp. 19-21,Vol. 26 No.1 [The editing of this piece mis-identified a key work discussed, in MOMA's collection as as City Night (1949), when it was another, Untitled (1949). They also made a mess of my notes.]
Artcritical, Standing in the Shadows: On Seeing Andrew Forge and Hearing Morton Feldman, (August 14).
Artcritical, Cats and Girls: Roundtable on Balthus at the Met (edited by David Cohen, with David Cohen, Duncan Hannah, Denis Kardon, Christina Kee, Vincent Katz, and Nora Griffin, December 23).

A Delicate Poignancy: Langdon Quin’s Paintings, 1990-2010, catalog essay for the retrospective exhibition: Acts & Memory: Paintings by Langdon Quin, Museum of Art, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH
The Sienese Shreder III, John Graham’s Apostasy, essay, New York.
Gabriel Laderman: Unconventional Realist, a selective retrospective, Gabriel Laderman: An Unconventional Realist, catalogue essay, University of New Hampshire, Durham, NH.
The Sienese Shredder I, Tracing Giovanni’s Shadow, essay, New York.
The Sienese Shredder I, On Seeing Nadelman’s Standing Male Nude, essay, New York.

Perception and Invention: Three Generations of Figurative Artists, Perception and Invention: Four Painters Talk About Figurative Art, catalogue essay.

Modern Painters: Edwin Dickinson: A Transcendental Vision (Fall).

Paul Resika: Between Boats and Triangles, essay in Hackett-Freedman Gallery catalogue.
London Arts Café, a magazine on urban art and architecture, essay, Returning Home (9/11) (Fall).
Modern Painters, The Return of the Mad Mahatma [on Louis Elschemius] (Winter).

Modern Painters, Quoted in article, Leonardo's Ghost: 'The Last Supper, peeled', By Trevor Winkfield, Modern Painters, autumn.

1997 Modern Painters, The Subject Matter in View [on Barnet Rubenstein] (Autumn)
Tatistcheff and Company, Inc., Gabriel Laderman's New Works, catalog essay
Hackett Freedman Gallery, Alfred Russell: Painter of Panic, catalog essay
Quoted in article, Pop Corn: Art goes to the Movies by David D'Arcy, Art and Auction (October).
Art and Antiques, Alfred Leslie at Barbara Flynn (April)
Art and Antiques, Carlo Maria Mariani at Hirschl & Adler Modern (January)
Art and Antiques, Eugene Leroy at Edward Thorp (March)
Art and Antiques, Susanna Jacobson at Washington Depot (April)
Art and Antiques, Jim Nutt at Phyllis Kind (September)
Modern Painters, Alfred Russell (Fall)
Art and Antiques, Francis Bacon at the MOMA (September)
Provincetown Arts, Artist’s Statement (Fall)

Boston Now: Figuration, Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston Catalog Artist’s Statement

Antaeus (Autumn, Issue 39), The Field Beyond Chassy, Balthus’ Grand Paysage Aux Arbres.
Art New England, Barnet Rubenstein at Alpha Gallery (November).

Annex Press, Extended Credentials, an essay on conceptual artist Jay Jaroslav,(Ann Arbor, Michigan).

Arts Magazine, James Weeks Retrospective (April).